Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Days At Work

Yesterday, my driving test, I failed. I was nervous, I have disappoint you. I wanted to call you, to hear your voice, hoping that you will console me. But I did not. I have booked for my next driving test and it will be 9th July 08. I hope that I will pass this time.

Anqi started working at the centre helping me out as I requested from her. I got her msn at her first day at work. I was not really working that day. I was talking to her. My working hours were different from hers. I work earlier than the rest and go off earlier than the rest. But I have made a promise to Anqi, if she works here, I would need to accompany her till her work ends. Whenever she is working, I will stay with her till her working hours end.

We starting to go for dinner, not really alone, with the other colleagues quite frequently. But of course, I did ask her out for dinner alone. Sometimes, we have a couple of drinks before we head back home. I was happy to be with her, even though my mum starts nagging at me for working to late, which I did not.

Soon I decided to take a step forward. Telling her that I love her.......

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Pay Cheque

Tomorrow is my driving test, I'm very nervous actually. I'm not sure if I am able to pass. But of course I hope I can pass. Driving is so expensive now. I was actually quite busy these few days that I hardly have the time to write.

The IT Show ended. I believe that we won't be able to see each other again. For the next few days of my working days, I was upset, untill I receive the part-timers' pay cheque. I have to inform them to come and collect their pay! I was excited again but her boyfriend happen to be attached to our workplace for that period. My partner, Wee Chian asked him to called her to come and collect her pay cheque. Wee Chian got an astonishing reply. "We are no longer together."

Wee Chian told me and suddenly I felt hope. I will be seeing her again! I gave Anqi a call, informing her cheque is ready. She agreed to come down and collect the cheque. When she came down, she was wearing white, like an angel. I tease her by saying why did you come down here for? Pay cheque? Was it ready? After some teasing, I gave her the cheque. I asked her where she's going and why never ask me to go. As i ran out of topic, I began to worry. She may leave anytime and I will miss her again.

I just thought of anything that pops up to my mind and asked her. I asked if she is available to work at a part-time staff at my centre? She said she is available but expensive to hire. We laughed. Finally, she agreed to help me over at the centre and I was extremely happy. I'm able to see her almost everyday and now that I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, I can woo her.

I still remember I was very excited and couldn't wait for her to work that night. I actually went sleepless. That was how I felt for her......

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today's Events

Early morning, the sky was dark. When I reached my office, it was drizzling. And soon, it began to pour. It made me very tired and sleepy but I have to carry on working. We had MacDonalds for lunch as it was raining.

While eating, my boss, came to check with me if I have something on in the afternoon 4.30pm. I was available and he asked me to follow a sales lead. It was at Parklane. I was reluctant to go, but I have to. Having spoken to the lead's rep. , it was something challenging for to work on. I felt excited as I can learn more from this. I will be going thru with my boss tomorrow.

After the meeting, I went over to Funan to find my friend as we have a wedding dinner to attend to. We waited till about 7pm when the rest have gathered at Funan and we headed for Orchard Parade Hotel where the dinner was held. The food was normal, saw afew old friends, chit chat around and then left for the day.

Was a pretty tiring day, but more work to come tomorrow and tomorrow is my RT IPPT test. I hope I can pass it so that my window will be close for last year and this year. Seriously, I doubt I can pass, but I will still try my best.

I shall not talk about my relationship for today as I'm pretty tired and I'm off to bed......Good night, Anqi......I miss you....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

At The IT Show 07

Today was a busy day...erm..I mean yesterday (now is 12.40am). I had a hair cut, went for my driving lesson and of course my RT training. I was pretty impressed with my driving, I have my evaluation and I have gotten only 8 points. I hope I can get that on my TP next Tuesday 20th May 08.

On the IT Show 07, 8th March 07, I was the first to arrive as I need to do some setup. Once done, I was waiting for the part-timers to come in at 11am. I had to brief them before the actual show starts. I was eagerly anticipating for her arrival. While waiting, I browsed thru the part-timers' details looking for their contact number so that I could call them to check on them. I looked at Anqi's particulars, she lives in Orchard. I was startled.

Part-timers came, briefed them, and the show started. Everything was running smooth, I just had to oversee things. I peeped at Anqi secretly whenever I could. I was shy and did not talk to her to see if she had difficulties working. The first day was basically like this. One of the part-timer is my friend, Desmond Lau. After the show, he told me that Anqi was a nice girl and suggested that I should give a try to woo her. I was shocked that Desmond told me this and I told him that I was interested in her.

The next day, I decided to give it a try, talk to her. I did not know what topic to bring up. I asked, how are you coping with your work, do you need my help? She had no problems at all. My conversation with her stopped there. I am such a failure, could not even last a conversation for 2 minutes. I tried again, she took a sweet and I asked if I could have one too. She gave me. I asked her again, you really don't need help? She replied in Chinese, no need. Her Chinese tone was unique. I kind of find it cute, and I giggled. She gave a wierd face and I explained that her Chinese sounds funny. She gave me a fierce look. Ooops...

The day ended. A guy was waiting outside our booth. He was one of the staff in our company. I thought he had come over to help us close for the day. When I released the part-timers, Anqi went to him and they left. My mind went blank for a moment and then, why are they together? Friends? No....they were in a relationship as I found out later. I was disappointed, but not to be obvious, I pretend to laugh at her Chinese and took her sweets throughout the rest of the IT Show.

The show finally ended. I thanked the part-timers for their time and effort in making the show a success. Our boss decided to reward our effort with supper. We went to Bukit Ho Swee to eat Teochew porridge. Anqi tagged along as the staff was going too. After supper, we went home. I saw Anqi left, walking out of my vision and I thought, this is the end.

But it was not..........................

Monday, May 12, 2008

The First Day I Met You....

Hello, I have started a blog with recommendation from a friend. Why would I want to start a blog? I have always felt that blogs are for girls who post their daily lives for guys to see. But I guess I was wrong. I have read quite afew blogs now and I see this more as an internet dairy, people who wants to share their happiness and sadness.

And yes, back to the reason why I started a blog. The reason is very simple, I just want to write out this particular relationship of mine and have ended only recently (10th May 2007 - 3rd May 2008). I hope that I am able to write out as many details as I can so that they will last for as long as I live. I would say this blog is only dedicated to her and her only.

It was a Wednesday as I recalled, 6th March 2007, I had to go to my head office to conduct a software lesson for some part-timers that were supposed to be working for IT Show 07. I had to be there earlier for preparations of the lesson. I am expecting 3 part-timers, 2 young lads and 1 lady. The young lads arrived, and was given the part-timers application form to fill while waiting for the lady. Half hour had passed and I was informed that she will be late. Hence, I started the lesson without her. Well, its a simple software, I suppose its easy to teach and would not mind teaching again when she arrives.

The lads picked up fast, and I was impressed. During the hands-on of the software, the lady finally arrive. She caught my eye for a moment there, and yes, the part-timer application form. She filled up her details and handed over to me. Her name is Yeong Anqi. I had a wierd feeling about her, frustration and yet not angry. Frustration for not being on time and holding back the lesson. Not angry because she had caught my eye. The lesson went well, with everyone picking up real fast. I did not hold them any longer and ended the lesson. She left, and my mind started to think about her.

This is the first day I met you....I will never forget this day as you are the one that will always be deep down in my heart. I love you.......