Monday, May 19, 2008

The Pay Cheque

Tomorrow is my driving test, I'm very nervous actually. I'm not sure if I am able to pass. But of course I hope I can pass. Driving is so expensive now. I was actually quite busy these few days that I hardly have the time to write.

The IT Show ended. I believe that we won't be able to see each other again. For the next few days of my working days, I was upset, untill I receive the part-timers' pay cheque. I have to inform them to come and collect their pay! I was excited again but her boyfriend happen to be attached to our workplace for that period. My partner, Wee Chian asked him to called her to come and collect her pay cheque. Wee Chian got an astonishing reply. "We are no longer together."

Wee Chian told me and suddenly I felt hope. I will be seeing her again! I gave Anqi a call, informing her cheque is ready. She agreed to come down and collect the cheque. When she came down, she was wearing white, like an angel. I tease her by saying why did you come down here for? Pay cheque? Was it ready? After some teasing, I gave her the cheque. I asked her where she's going and why never ask me to go. As i ran out of topic, I began to worry. She may leave anytime and I will miss her again.

I just thought of anything that pops up to my mind and asked her. I asked if she is available to work at a part-time staff at my centre? She said she is available but expensive to hire. We laughed. Finally, she agreed to help me over at the centre and I was extremely happy. I'm able to see her almost everyday and now that I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, I can woo her.

I still remember I was very excited and couldn't wait for her to work that night. I actually went sleepless. That was how I felt for her......

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