Monday, May 12, 2008

The First Day I Met You....

Hello, I have started a blog with recommendation from a friend. Why would I want to start a blog? I have always felt that blogs are for girls who post their daily lives for guys to see. But I guess I was wrong. I have read quite afew blogs now and I see this more as an internet dairy, people who wants to share their happiness and sadness.

And yes, back to the reason why I started a blog. The reason is very simple, I just want to write out this particular relationship of mine and have ended only recently (10th May 2007 - 3rd May 2008). I hope that I am able to write out as many details as I can so that they will last for as long as I live. I would say this blog is only dedicated to her and her only.

It was a Wednesday as I recalled, 6th March 2007, I had to go to my head office to conduct a software lesson for some part-timers that were supposed to be working for IT Show 07. I had to be there earlier for preparations of the lesson. I am expecting 3 part-timers, 2 young lads and 1 lady. The young lads arrived, and was given the part-timers application form to fill while waiting for the lady. Half hour had passed and I was informed that she will be late. Hence, I started the lesson without her. Well, its a simple software, I suppose its easy to teach and would not mind teaching again when she arrives.

The lads picked up fast, and I was impressed. During the hands-on of the software, the lady finally arrive. She caught my eye for a moment there, and yes, the part-timer application form. She filled up her details and handed over to me. Her name is Yeong Anqi. I had a wierd feeling about her, frustration and yet not angry. Frustration for not being on time and holding back the lesson. Not angry because she had caught my eye. The lesson went well, with everyone picking up real fast. I did not hold them any longer and ended the lesson. She left, and my mind started to think about her.

This is the first day I met you....I will never forget this day as you are the one that will always be deep down in my heart. I love you.......

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