Wednesday, May 14, 2008

At The IT Show 07

Today was a busy day...erm..I mean yesterday (now is 12.40am). I had a hair cut, went for my driving lesson and of course my RT training. I was pretty impressed with my driving, I have my evaluation and I have gotten only 8 points. I hope I can get that on my TP next Tuesday 20th May 08.

On the IT Show 07, 8th March 07, I was the first to arrive as I need to do some setup. Once done, I was waiting for the part-timers to come in at 11am. I had to brief them before the actual show starts. I was eagerly anticipating for her arrival. While waiting, I browsed thru the part-timers' details looking for their contact number so that I could call them to check on them. I looked at Anqi's particulars, she lives in Orchard. I was startled.

Part-timers came, briefed them, and the show started. Everything was running smooth, I just had to oversee things. I peeped at Anqi secretly whenever I could. I was shy and did not talk to her to see if she had difficulties working. The first day was basically like this. One of the part-timer is my friend, Desmond Lau. After the show, he told me that Anqi was a nice girl and suggested that I should give a try to woo her. I was shocked that Desmond told me this and I told him that I was interested in her.

The next day, I decided to give it a try, talk to her. I did not know what topic to bring up. I asked, how are you coping with your work, do you need my help? She had no problems at all. My conversation with her stopped there. I am such a failure, could not even last a conversation for 2 minutes. I tried again, she took a sweet and I asked if I could have one too. She gave me. I asked her again, you really don't need help? She replied in Chinese, no need. Her Chinese tone was unique. I kind of find it cute, and I giggled. She gave a wierd face and I explained that her Chinese sounds funny. She gave me a fierce look. Ooops...

The day ended. A guy was waiting outside our booth. He was one of the staff in our company. I thought he had come over to help us close for the day. When I released the part-timers, Anqi went to him and they left. My mind went blank for a moment and then, why are they together? Friends? No....they were in a relationship as I found out later. I was disappointed, but not to be obvious, I pretend to laugh at her Chinese and took her sweets throughout the rest of the IT Show.

The show finally ended. I thanked the part-timers for their time and effort in making the show a success. Our boss decided to reward our effort with supper. We went to Bukit Ho Swee to eat Teochew porridge. Anqi tagged along as the staff was going too. After supper, we went home. I saw Anqi left, walking out of my vision and I thought, this is the end.

But it was not..........................

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