Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today's Events

Early morning, the sky was dark. When I reached my office, it was drizzling. And soon, it began to pour. It made me very tired and sleepy but I have to carry on working. We had MacDonalds for lunch as it was raining.

While eating, my boss, came to check with me if I have something on in the afternoon 4.30pm. I was available and he asked me to follow a sales lead. It was at Parklane. I was reluctant to go, but I have to. Having spoken to the lead's rep. , it was something challenging for to work on. I felt excited as I can learn more from this. I will be going thru with my boss tomorrow.

After the meeting, I went over to Funan to find my friend as we have a wedding dinner to attend to. We waited till about 7pm when the rest have gathered at Funan and we headed for Orchard Parade Hotel where the dinner was held. The food was normal, saw afew old friends, chit chat around and then left for the day.

Was a pretty tiring day, but more work to come tomorrow and tomorrow is my RT IPPT test. I hope I can pass it so that my window will be close for last year and this year. Seriously, I doubt I can pass, but I will still try my best.

I shall not talk about my relationship for today as I'm pretty tired and I'm off to bed......Good night, Anqi......I miss you....

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