Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Days At Work

Yesterday, my driving test, I failed. I was nervous, I have disappoint you. I wanted to call you, to hear your voice, hoping that you will console me. But I did not. I have booked for my next driving test and it will be 9th July 08. I hope that I will pass this time.

Anqi started working at the centre helping me out as I requested from her. I got her msn at her first day at work. I was not really working that day. I was talking to her. My working hours were different from hers. I work earlier than the rest and go off earlier than the rest. But I have made a promise to Anqi, if she works here, I would need to accompany her till her work ends. Whenever she is working, I will stay with her till her working hours end.

We starting to go for dinner, not really alone, with the other colleagues quite frequently. But of course, I did ask her out for dinner alone. Sometimes, we have a couple of drinks before we head back home. I was happy to be with her, even though my mum starts nagging at me for working to late, which I did not.

Soon I decided to take a step forward. Telling her that I love her.......

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